Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at McLean


Founded in 2020, the Diversity, Equity, 网上澳门皇冠赌场b877的包容性办公室(DEIO)是维护医院多样性承诺的关键资源, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across policies, programs, and practices.

Under the leadership of Stephanie Pinder-Amaker, PhD, McLean’s chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer, DEIO推动结构性和系统性变革,以促进包容性, lifelong learning, and the celebration of McLean’s diverse community.

The DEIO’s mission is to cultivate sustainable, equitable, 以及在麦克莱恩系统内采用共同责任模式的包容性框架. We are committed to supporting all McLean employees, patients, 以及更广泛的社区,因为我们在文化谦逊的实践中共同学习和成长(特拉弗隆和默里), 1998). 我们敦促所有麦克莱恩员工终身保持好奇心和学习精神.

Evolution of the DEIO

In response to the growing global conversation about race, McLean Hospital established the Antiracist, Justice, and Health Equity (ARJHE) Task Force in June of 2020. ARJHE特别工作组负责确定短期和长期目标,以解决系统性种族主义问题,并在我们自己的医院系统和我们所服务的社区内建立一种治愈和公平的文化.

Stemming from the task force’s first recommendations, McLean inaugurated the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office, launched the ARJHE web-based resource library, 实施了全系统授权聆听之旅,以更好地了解有色人种员工的经历, and established McLean’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Four Pillars.

Propelled by the ARJHE action plan, the DEIO continues to expand and evolve their initiatives, 在患者护理的各个方面,优先考虑身份的各个方面的公平, employee relations, and community engagement.


这些努力包括在临床项目中有针对性的反偏见项目, 扩大向历史上服务不足的人群提供服务的努力, 以及实施跨医院角色的DEI参与标准. 为实施ARJHE工作组的建议而创建的系统现在正在通过DEIO进行扩展,以解决所有“主义”.”

我们的目标是在麦克莱恩促进所有身份不断上升的人的平等和安全. Alongside our community as a whole, DEIO继续发展和适应,以纳入促进社会正义的最佳做法, health equity, and belonging.

McLean’s DEI Pillars

为麦克莱恩多方面的DEI计划创建一个有凝聚力的结构和框架, the DEIO introduced these four pillars.

Pillar One: Healing, Support, 以及麦克林社区对身份提升个人的赋权

The first pillar, and our number one priority, is to foster employee healing, support, 以及赋予历史上被边缘化身份的个人权力.

For too long we have not allocated sufficient space, thought, 或者资源来抵消我们体制中压迫的影响. We aim to create opportunities, structures, 以及为所有因种族而拥有上升身份的麦克莱恩社区成员提供的流程, ethnicity, ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, religion, indigenous heritage, and/or national origin to heal from trauma, find support, and thrive in our organization.


利用我们多元文化心理咨询团队的专业知识, 支柱二既利用现有资源,又建立能力,为麦克莱恩各部门和项目提供多元文化知情的临床和工作人员咨询.


As McLean is a leader in the field of mental health, 第三支柱代表了我们终身学习和教育的承诺,以促进文化谦逊的最佳做法.

We aim to provide scalable, multiculturally informed, and anti-racist training, education, and standards of engagement for all McLean staff. 我们的重点是全系统的共同责任和可持续模式, 利用布里格姆总医院的DEI资源,制定参与ARJHE资源的规范和期望.


第四支柱优先执行反种族主义/反偏见患者政策, 建立一个集中的流程来报告偏见/种族主义事件, 为身份信息资源和评估建立临床和研究标准.

麦克莱恩承诺采取纠正措施,以确保我们的环境是包容的,欢迎所有身份和边缘化的术语, practices, and images are identified and removed. 我们正在实施必要的政策和研究/临床标准,以确保DEI最佳做法的结构性整合.

For Employees

A core initiative of the Diversity, Equity, 包容性办公室的任务是开发可持续的做法和资源,促进增长, safety, and belonging. The DEIO Resource Page is an ever-evolving, 内部资源为麦克林和麻省总医院的员工在整个系统访问教育材料, remain up to date on DEI events, and contribute to McLean’s DEI initiatives.
